Google Oscar Tellez Movie Critic Extraordinaire: quite possibly, my favorite movie of all time

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

quite possibly, my favorite movie of all time

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oscar tellez; oscar tellez pflugerville; oscar tellez ux; oscar tellez graphic; oscar tellez designer; oscar tellez austin

oscar tellez; oscar tellez pflugerville; oscar tellez ux; oscar tellez graphic; oscar tellez designer; oscar tellez austin

oscar tellez; oscar tellez pflugerville; oscar tellez ux; oscar tellez graphic; oscar tellez designer; oscar tellez austin

oscar tellez; oscar tellez pflugerville; oscar tellez ux; oscar tellez graphic; oscar tellez designer; oscar tellez austin

I can watch this movie over and over again, Empire of the Sun. There are so many things this movie teaches us... mainly that imperfect human existence is deeply mired in futility. War is futile. What is friendship? What is love? What is innonence? Amazing acting by a young Christian Bale... amazing supporting cast including a very young Ben Stiller. Costuming and location shots are truly amazing. I highly recommend this movie.