Google Oscar Tellez Movie Critic Extraordinaire: Aftershock

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


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oscar tellez; oscar tellez pflugerville; oscar tellez ux; oscar tellez graphic; oscar tellez designer; oscar tellez austin

oscar tellez; oscar tellez pflugerville; oscar tellez ux; oscar tellez graphic; oscar tellez designer; oscar tellez austin

oscar tellez; oscar tellez pflugerville; oscar tellez ux; oscar tellez graphic; oscar tellez designer; oscar tellez austin

masterfully directed and masterfully acted, this Chinese film tackles the tragedy surrounding an earthquake that devastated China in the 70's. this movie is powerful. it comments on the definition, meaning and value of life. it has some splendid scenes capturing the ever-so-complicated dynamic between children and there parents. its lenght is offset by its captivating story.