Google Oscar Tellez Movie Critic Extraordinaire: society

Thursday, July 24, 2014


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oscar tellez austin; oscar tellez pflugerville; oscar tellez; oscar tellez graphic design; oscar tellez ux; oscar tellez portfolio
asphalt jungle comments on the sad state of society. you have a kentucky boy who has become a stick up guy. you have a girl who yearns for love and she does the impossible to get it from a guy who cant give it to her. then you have the immigrants, the german criminal mastermind and the italian bookie the italian guy with family who cant leave the underworld the irish cops. then you have the socialites who have the means to live a descent life but are truly hypocritcal, making an attempt to mask there fragility with elaborate facades. really great acting with actors who are superb... youll notice that the kentucky boy (who is also of irish descent) is the irish police captain and bodyguard to the turk in godfather and you have the whiny lady from singing in the rain as the naive girl looking for love in the worst of places. just a great masterpiece showing how futile it can be to be a dreamer in this society... 
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